Showcasing a captivating cinematic style, with over 15 years of combined Film Industry experience, my vision is to produce stylized looking projects through the power of visual creativity. Creating a new reality with your ideas and concepts is my key formula to producing a visual masterpiece. With unique motion picture techniques,  camera work, editing, colour grading, and industry connections, together we truly are a one stop production studio.


The name comes from combining two Greek words: kinema, which means movement, and graphein, which means to record. In film, cinematography refers to the photographing of the movie itself. The person in charge of this is the cinematographer, also known as the director or photography or the DP.


The cinematographer is one of the most important people that will be hired for a film. The visual look of your film is heavily dependent on who you hire. If you ever find yourself in a hiring position, then make sure that your potential DP has a reel for you to see. You want to be absolutely sure that you're hiring the right person.

Showcasing a captivating cinematic style, with over 40 years of combined Film Industry experience, our vision is to produce the best looking projects through the power of visual media. Creating a new reality with your ideas and our concepts is our key formula to producing a visual masterpiece. With unique motion picture techniques, in-house camera work, video editing and colour correcting, we truly are a one stop production studio.